MARCH SPECIAL: 8'x11' #782-JC $300 OFF! see SALE page


Do you offer a warranty/guarantee on your rugs?

YES! We guarantee that your rug will lay flat and will be made with the exact yarn fibers and colors as ordered. Your rug will be within 1 ½ inches of the exact dimensions ordered (over or under). Your rug comes with a lifetime warranty on the sewing stitches.  If the sewing stitch were to break, i.e. dragging furniture across the rug, pet chewing, kids with scissors. Regardless of the reason we will repair your rug at no charge to you but you will be responsible for the freight cost.


Can I create my own pattern or design?

YES! This is our field of expertise. With over 35 years of personal experience I can visualize how a rug is going to look. If you are trying to put colors together that I know are going to clash, I will advise you. If you are trying to put too many colors together, I will let you know that this rug will be “very busy.” If you are looking for a rug that “pops” as soon as you walk into the room, I can make it for you. If you are looking for a rug that is more subtle, quiet and warm when you walk into the room, I can assist you with that decision as well.


What is your “SALE” category?

We keep a wide variety of rugs on hand for our trade shows and in our showroom. These are brand new first quality rugs and free of any defects. That’s because that’s all we know how to do. We have NEVER had a rug returned because of a quality issue!


What is your return policy?

I am proud to say that we seldom have a return request. Despite our two week delivery time, our rugs are made to order. PLEASE double check your measurements as this is the main reason for such a request. The rug ordered was too large or too small. Then it becomes a matter of an “exchange” rather than a return. We are very proud of our reputation and customer service and we vow to do everything within reason to accommodate you and to insure your satisfaction. If a return is deemed necessary, a full refund will be granted after the rug is returned in “new” condition less a 15% restocking fee. Return request must be made within 30 days of receipt.  


Do you ever have sales or promotions?

We will never be able to have a “60%” off sale. The simple reason is that our rugs are priced fair every day. We will NEVER “inflate” our prices so that we can pretend to be having a sale. Do you want to do business with a company that is always having a ½ off sale? What does that say about their pricing structure? I find those types of promotions to be dishonest and that is a game that we will not play. Does this make me a marketing expert, obviously not, but what I am is a braided rug expert with honest pricing all day every day!

 We occasionally will have giveaways or contests where we ask you to submit a photo or tell about your experience with Colonial Braided Rug. Please sign up for our newsletter and you will be informed the next time we have such a promotion.

How do I clean my rug? 

 If it is a rug that we made you may put smaller rugs in your washing machine on gentle cycle, cold water, and a tide pod. Lay flat to dry. Larger rugs may be professionally cleaned, steamed cleaned or on a sunny day you may take your rug outside, lay flay in your driveway and hose it down. An instruction sheet will be inside your rug package that goes in to more cleaning detail.

 If it is a rug manufactured by another company, you may want to contact them first before putting in the washing machine. Ask them what the fiber content is, will the coloring hold up to being washed without fading and what material is used for the core. Rugs with a filler core or other textile byproduct cannot be saturated in water as the core will draw up. If this happens then your rug will never lay flat again.

 What is Olefin?

Olefin is a synthetic based polypropylene fiber that was first created in Italy in 1957. Olefin is known as a "greener" fiber verses cotton, wool, silk or rayon. From what I have read and learned by the owner of Accent Yarn, it is the process of making the yarn that makes it more "green friendly." With Olefin, the color is added in the extrusion process. This means it is a color before it is a yarn. Others fibers are extruded into a natural color then dyed with acid or disperse dyes. The dying process is what is not green friendly. The dying process requires lots of chemicals, lots of heat, lots of energy, lots of water that has to be filtered back in then disposed of. I have toured dying facilities and what I remember the most was the awful smell and extremely hot. 
Olefin's advantages are its strength, colorfastness and comfort, its resistance to staining, mildew, abrasion, sunlight and it is odorless.